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Fusion Page Options

Disable the 1st featured image on single post pages.


In pixels or percentage, ex: 100% or 100px. Or Use “auto” for automatic resizing if you added either width or height.

Choose to set this post to 100% browser width. Default currently set to No.

Insert Youtube or Vimeo embed code.

Choose which icons display on this post. Leave empty for default value of Link & Zoom.

Link URL that will be used on archives either for the rollover link icon or on the image if rollover icons are disabled. Leave blank for post URL.

Choose to open the single post page link in a new window.

Choose to show or hide related posts on this post. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to show or hide the social share box. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to show or hide the post navigation. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to show or hide the author info box. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to show or hide the post meta. Default currently set to Hide.

Choose to show or hide comments area. Default currently set to Hide.


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